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rolex submariner replicas's Finissimo collection has broken records and won a variety of prizes, includingthe prestigious Grand Prix d'Horogerie de Geneve. The Octo Finissimo Automatic won the Men's Watch category in 2017, while theOcto Finissimo Tourbillon Skeleton took home the Tourbillon & Escapement award.

The Octo Finissimo Automatic, which is the most important Mexican show, won the Watch of the Year Award from SIAR. It also won a Spiral Award for Hong Kong and the Watch of the Year Award from L'Orologio.replica watch In 2016, the Revolutionary Watch Award was won by the Finissimo Minute Repeater.

Buonamassa Sigliani says that the Octo design is successful because it uses two very simple shapes. When you combine them, it's different, but not unusual. We can make grand complications. But the Finissimo execution is more challenging because it is a grand complexity with a simple design. It's cool, modern, and perhaps even timeless. It'sa different approach."

The Future of Octo

As the Serpenti has been for women, Octo is now the standard bearer of men's watches. There are many more developments in the future. Terreni insists that the Octo will continue to be important in the future. The Octo is in its beginnings; it was introduced first in 2012. The original was more sporty, but the Finissimo is mechanical excellence with elegant execution. The Roma will have the opportunity to inherit the Finissimo's line with a more traditional proportion. All three will continue to grow. We believe the Finissimo will bethe most important.Rolex Replica Watches This look will require you to be ableto combine it with other movements.

Terreni says, "I have always believed that the Octo would be the backboneofthe male assortment." It has quickly become extremely important. It has seen an exponential increase in popularity. It takes time to truly appreciate the product. It's lucky to have collectors and watchmakers who understand the craft. They can see the watch as a piece of art.

rolex submariner replicas sees the Octo as a new icon in watchmaking. rolex submariner replicas has already achieved remarkable things with its Finissimo collection, which includes the Finissimo Tourbillon, Finissimo Minute Repeater, and the Finissimo Automatic, which set a world record.

Revolution has many times recognized rolex submariner replicas's achievements in Revolution Awards. We also celebrate the Octo Finissimo models, which were introduced at Baselworld. We can't wait for the next chapter oftheOcto.